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Artists Statement 

For years in school I studied ASL and upon receiving this assignment I immediately wished to include it. In my own life and a plethora of other people’s there are issues and blockades that come both physically and mentally. To overcome these is part of life but it’s not always the easiest thing. This installation is a representation of that. I chose to scan only my hands rather than any other body part to represent how hard it can be to communicate what is going through your head through only one form. The fingerspellings I used were the words “war”, “run”, and “fear.” These to me represent the basic understandings our brain comes to when faced with adversity and challenge. The real problem comes from whether or not you can overcome them in the end. My inspiration for this assignment was rather than another artist, myself.

1 comment:

  1. This Xerox instillation piece is so thought provoking and extremely well done. The fact that yo chose to include yourself in the actual piece is incredibly meaningful and I am glad you chose to share this. One gets a feeling of paranoia, guilt, shame, or perhaps resentment and abandon when observing your work. Thank you for such a stimulating piece.


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